Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why do we light a lamp?

In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of the Lord. In

some houses it is lit at dawn, in some, twice a day at dawn and dusk and in a few it is

maintained continuously (Akhanda Deepa). All auspicious functions commence with the

lighting of the lamp, which is often maintained right through the occasion.

Light symbolizes knowledge, and darkness, ignorance. The Lord is the

"Knowledge Principle" (Chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivener and the illuminator

of all knowledge. Hence light is worshiped as the Lord himself.

Knowledge removes ignorance just as light removes darkness. Also knowledge is

a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievement can be accomplished. Hence we

light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth.

Why not light a bulb or tube light? That too would remove darkness. But the

traditional oil lamp has a further spiritual significance. The oil or ghee in the lamp

symbolizes our vaasanas or negative tendencies and the wick, the ego. When lit by

spiritual knowledge, the vaasanas get slowly exhausted and the ego too finally perishes.

The flame of a lamp always burns upwards. Similarly we should acquire such knowledge

as to take us towards higher ideals.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am an INDIAN, it's my crime.....
"I am a HINDU" kill me and call it "COLLATERAL DAMAGE" and call me communal , imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURES" exile my people and masses and call it "NEW MIDDLE EAST" and secularism .Rob my resources, grab my land, Alter my leadership and call it "DEMOCRACY"

I deserve to be humiliated. I deserve to be harassed. I deserve to be mauled. I deserve to be killed. Just because "I AM A HINDU"

I demand my rights, it is my crime. I demand my dignity, it is my crime. I demand life, it is my crime. I am a nationalistic, it is my crime. But I am proud of committing this crime.

I want to live, but a living life. Not a dead man's life. I can die struggling for my right rather than giving it up and living.
What is Secular & what is Communal?
Congress says: Muslims getting killed by a few hundred is no less than a holocaust; But poor protesters getting shot in West Bengal under Left Govt is just a plain misunderstanding; 3,000 Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands was only a big mistake; and 300,000 Hindus becoming refugees and thousands dead due to Islamic terrorists in Kashmir is a only political problem.
Congress says: Congress denying Lord Rama's existence was simply a Clerical Error. But BJP saying it hurt Hindu sentiments is communal!
Congress says : Hajj subsidies for Muslim pilgrimage worth 3000 crores funded by Hindu tax money is secular; But Hindus questioning how their hard earned money is used are communal;
Congress says : Banning Da Vinci Code was Secular But Modi Banning Parzania in Gujarat was Communal;
Congress says : Chinese invasion in 1962 was just an 'unfortunate betrayal'; Kargil attack during BJP Rule was Government failure;
Congress says : Reservation in every school and college on caste lines strengthen society; But same reservations in minority institutions is Communal;
Congress says : Fake encounters under Cong-NCP in Maharashtra was only an instance of Police atrocity; But Fake encounters in Gujarat [Sohrabuddin] was Modi sponsored 'BJP' Communalism;
Congress says : Talking about Islam and Muslim appeasement is Secular; But talking about Hindus and Hindu concerns is dangerous and Communal;
Congress says : BJP freeing 3 terrorists to save Indian hostages was Shameful; But freeing 4 militants to save the life of the daughter of a minister [Rubina Sayed] was a Natural Political dilemma;
Congress says : Attack on Parliament was the result of BJP ineptitude; But Congress Not hanging Afzal Guru, the mastermind despite Supreme Court orders is due to Humanity and Political dilemma;
Congress says : (Manmohan) Muslims have the first right on India's resources; But Hindus questioning it is communal;

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Comparison between two Kurukshethras

Kurushethra of Sage Veda Vyasa

Kurukshethra of 2009 .AD

1.Yudhishtira, the embodiment of Dharma was accused of gambling and putting the life of his brothers and the modesty of his wife itself at stake. No one found fault with Sakuni, the conspirator.('Gandhar' Naresh.)

1. The Kauravas of modern times, i.e. the congress clan accuse Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the embodiment of rightousness of our times, of having compromised with the terrorist hijackers of 'Gandhar' (Kandahar) for saving the lives of more than 134 innocent air passengers. They don't blame the terrorists and are protecting one of them (Afsal Guru) from being hanged by the law of the country. Look at the resemblance of Osama Bin Laden with Sakuni!! (As portrayed in B.R.Chopra's 'Maha Bharat".)

2. The Kauravas called Arjuna a coward for having obeyed his elder brother in all aspects.

2. The congress accuses Lal Krishna Advani for sending Jeswant Sing to negotiate with the hijackers for the release of the innocent passengers.

3. The Karuavas found fault with Bhima the strong among the Pandavas for not succumbing to their tactics.

3. The congress accuses Narendra Modi, the strongest of all the leaders, of communalism. They don't find anything wrong with the burning the Kar Sevaks alive inside the railway compartments or the 50 years of harassment the innocent peasant population of Gujarat suffered at the hands of Karim Lala, Sukur Bhakia, Haji Masthan, Yusuf Patel and Dawood Ibrahim, the underworld Dons, who flourished in the Congress Raaj.

4. All elders, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Vidura kept quiet and did not raise their voice against all the injustice.

4. Leaders like Kamaraj, Nijalingappa, Y.B.Chavan, and Jagjivan Ram kept silent over the misrule of the dynastic family.

5. A foreign women named Gandhari married into the family and feigned total innocence and allegiance to her husband by blindfolding herself. She played her role perfectly behind the scene and ultimately her entire family was wiped out in the Kurukshetra battle.

5. The modern "Gandhari" married into the dynastic family and the family itself was shred to pieces. Her husband was put on the throne by a foolish sardar(Sail Sing). Though not blind, he could not see anything beyond the tip of his nose. He took all the blind and wrong decisions and paid the price with his life. The modern Gandhari manipulated everything and even managed to eliminate her brother in law, mother in law, the entire family of her co-sister and is now targeting the son of her brother in law..The story goes on to the next generation of Duryodhana (Rahul) and Bhima (Varun)

6. Krishna the all pervading Lord helped the Pandavas to overcome the onslaught of the wicked kauravas and win the battle at Kurukshetra..

6. Where is the Lord in the modern times? Don't you see him within you and all around you? You have to save this country from the clutches of the "Abhinava Kauravas" & "Abhinava Gandhari".


By Babu Menon

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Hindu Ethos will save this Planet

The only place on this planet that the Hindus can rightfully claim they belong to is Hindustan or India. And the only people on this earth who feel hesitant to speak for their dharma or the basic identity too are Hindus. In Indian politics, run and financed by the Hindu majority, taking up Hindu issues means an extra effort to stand and face the charges too acidic. It pays to be a non-Hindu in a Hindu majority Hindustan, frankly.


Hence it's time when the followers of the legacy that began with Dr. Hedgewar founding the nationalist school of thought known as the RSS must assert and justify their birth, first in the form of Jana Sangh and later re-incarnated as the Bharatiya Janata Party. I was there when the first-ever convention of the newly-formed BJP took place in Mumbai, in 1980, christened as Samata Nagar. And the star attraction in that meeting was none else other than Mohammad Karim Chagla, the octogenarian scholar and statesman. The BJP could have adopted a pure saffron flag as its new motif, like the old Jana Sangh, but it chose the green and saffron. Jana Sangh too, in early fifties could have been a Hindu Sangh, but the stalwarts in those times chose a name that would represent all --any one who is an Indian, no matter what his faith is, without compromising on the basic characteristics of the nation i.e. Hindu.


A nation is defined not by the forex reserves or the military prowess but by the contours of her civilisational traditions and the collective struggles and sufferings. We are, unquestioningly and unapologetically Hindu in our national colours as much as the USA is Latin Christian and the UK works for all communities still adhering as a state to the spiritual umbrella of the Church of England. An Obama taking oath of the presidential office on the Bible doesn't become a communally hateful ruler for the other faiths. So is with us. A Hindu-majority India remains the only guarantee of a pluralistic and democratic nation. The moment we accept the de-Hinduisation process of the nation as a sign of secularism and an acceptable factor in polity, we are not only doomed as an Indian nation but also invite Talibanisation of the society.


And then, who says to be a Hindu means looking backward or approving obscurantism? The only people on earth who virtually worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and have prosperity as an inseparable part of their life-cycle are Hindus. In fact to be Hindu means to be rich, brilliant and happy. The most important factors, however, as was explained by Prof. Rajendra Singh, the third RSS Chief, (who was Head and Reader, Dept. of Physics, University of Allahabady) remain wisdom and character. We forget that exactly for her power, happiness and wealth, Hindu India was the eye sore of the barbarians when they assaulted us calling this land as 'Sone ki Chidiya - the Golden Bird'. We have shown the world the best of Hindu architecture in our thousand-year-old temples in Ellora, Ajanta to Ang kor Wat, the Vedic poetry, the invention of numerals and zero, life sciences and geometry to trigonometry and the deep knowledge of cosmos and the most scientific grammar and script and language. We are those Hindu people who gave the world the concept of 'world is one family' (vasudhaiva kutumbakam) when the semitic races were launching Crusades and Jihads. And an inborn attitude to respect the different viewpoint so much so that an atheist Rishi, scholar monk, Charvak was given an honoured place in the highest exalted order of six philosophers. To be a Hindu means saying no to Gulags and accepting a Galileo with appreciation. Even today the best of the economic developmental models in the states are indisputably seen in states where BJP is ruling. Still seculars deny that showing a pathological hatred for the Hindu word and world view.


Money, riches, industrialisation, military arrogance couldn't save the mighty Soviet empire. You need a little more to live as humans, which the Communists refused to accept. The IT power and the strength of brilliance coupled with loyalty to the adopted land (we do not bomb the land we adopt- a trait Hindus are known and respected for the world over) is making them use force to reckon with- as Thomas Freidman too discussed in his celebrated book The World is Flat. But that alone won't suffice to define the nation that has been known since millenniums world over as the land of the Hindus.


It's the so-called secular flabbiness of the neo-rich and subjugated colonised English-speaking elite that has taken up the place left vacant by British sergeants and colonial masters. Hate Hindu- is their new professional slogan. Anything Hindu is despicable and arrogantly dismissible. Destroy Ram Sethu, arrest Kanchi Shankaracharya on Diwali night, ignore the brutal killing of an 80-year-old monk on Krishna Janmashtami night in Kandhamal, simply delete the memory of Godhra and never answer why 59 men, women and little kids were burnt to death in a steel compartment, on February 27 seven years ago, never ever mention the 290 Hindus murdered during what is known as Gujarat riots, never discuss the forced exodus of five lakh Kashmiri Hindus after their women were raped and children killed by 'brave' Nizam-e-Mustafa' Ghazis.


That's the new order, which has to be exposed and dismantled if India has to survive.


They insult and demand the abolition of a language without which their birth can't be celebrated, marriage can't be solemnised and even in death, the same language is used. That's Sanskrit. Like they can denounce their motherland's fragrance, they also humiliate the language of their birth and death. That's their morality and honesty.


Last week Al-Jazeera, a channel more known for putting on air Osama and Al Jawahiri statements took my interview, 'to present the true colours of Indian culture' as its Canadian correspondent requested. When the show was aired, it showed Hindu right activists as simple monsters and barbarians and dishonestly juxtaposed their prejudices to 'justify' their pre-decided views. That's what this small minority of money wielding de-culturised slave class of the dollar world does anywhere it gets a little dominance -a Gulag at every desk.


Against such elements of hate, the Saffron is fighting a democratic battle through a new generation of IT-savvy saffronite youths. In the blog world, Facebook, internet battles, the Saffron is reigning high and the way we get their responses from California to Bangalore and Kolkata to Chennai via Santa Fe, it's simply bewildering and a great morale booster.


There are hundreds of them. Mostly post-graduates, engineers, MBAs, fresh IITians and doctors of philosophy, who have left the lure of the lucre and chose to work in the remote regions of the Andamans, Changlang, Diphu, Aizawl and the Nilgiri hills. From Wynad to Wakho and Leh to Lalganj, there is not a single block or tehsil or district where various workers and organisations inspired by the RSS are not active. For the first time in the history of this nation, a non-monastic order of the socially dedicated young men and women has taken roots which puts the nation before everything else, work like a sanyaasi without an ochre robe. They run village development projects, water harvesting and production of bio-foods and hospitals and schools and slum-area service projects. One such organisation, Vidya Bharati, has become the largest academic institution without government help having more than one lakh teachers and twenty-four lakh students in literally every nook and corner of the nation. B.M.S has claimed a membership of 84 lakhs, to be the biggest labour organisation of the land. Amongst students, teachers, politicians, religious clergy, doctors, and even visually-challenged people, RSS-inspired organizations are active and moving fast to get the top slot.


There is hardly a stream in the national life which is not touched and influenced by the ideology espoused by this Saffron movement which began just a year before almost the year Communist movement took shape in India. Though the Communist movement remained confined to a few corners and split in more than 24 various splinter groups, Sangh-inspired organisations are setting the agenda in their respective fields and one of their Swayam Sewak unfurled the Tricolor at the Red Fort six times in continuation. Can any hateful, divisive organisation get this kind of response from the people year after year? How can ill-feelings towards another community inspire young professionals continuously for the last eight decades to devote their life and forget the attractions of a glamorous career just for the cause of rebuilding the nation? Can any other organisation, specially the secular and the Left variety, show its positive and harmonious contribution for the development of the society in comparison to the RSS work?


Against all odds, to oppose political families turning India into their personal fiefdom, to stop India becoming a dharamshala for foreign infiltrators and putting an end to the endless pusillanimity against Jihadi terrorism, a party has to come to power that has the guts to call a spade a spade and strengthen the sinews to provide security and ensure prosperity. Enough is enough.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"DANNY BOY" My English Dog

The British FMCG major Uniliver operates in India in the name Hindustan Unilever. They recently changed the name of their soap 'REXONA' TO 'HAMAM ABHYANGA SNANAM'.
A British director made the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' in which he is showing a British born actor boy as a jihadi slumboy taking an 'Appi Anga Snaanam. !!!! In Malayalam Appi = Shit
What a coincidence.!!!!!!! I have a dog at home and its name is Danny Boy… you all should have seen him barking at the screen when I had that damn film screened on my TV. We all had a big laugh as the name of the director came on the Screen. My dog did not like his name even remotely connected with the slumdog. You know, he is a Roatwheeler.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oam Namo Narayana

The peoples’s Predicament

The scandalous disarray of India's political class has been highlighted in recent weeks.The people of this country apparently unable to even comprehend the unfolding drama affecting their destiny. The UPA has descended to treasonous co-ordination of its pending general election campaign with governmental agencies in Pakistan, including, in effect, the ISI. The diabolical enemy of Hindu India, the US, has brokered a deal between India and Pakistan that includes the disingenuous arrest of 124 jehadis and measures like the closure of their Internet web sites, contrived to provide respite to Manmohan Singh's beleaguered government. David Miliband, the British Foreign Secretary was evidently sent by the US to deliver a message that India must abandon, as a quid pro quo, its demand for the extradition of the planners of the Mumbai terror carnage. The idea that Pakistan will actually prosecute anyone and punish them for attacking India is laughable, but it will buy time for the UPA to apply the balm of forgetfulness to India. The Indian EAM, Pranab Mukherjee, of Murshidabad's Jangipur Islamic constituency, which he bribed with 2100 crore rupees in 2006, obliged with alacrity, quite forgetting his periodic hypocritical belligerence towards Pakistan, all apparently intended to deceive. His subsequent delirious recanting of his initial surrender to India's erstwhile colonial masters occurred because Congress Party managers evidently deemed such public acknowledgement impolitic.

Far from being indiscreet, British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, has merely restated what has been British policy towards India since the 1940s, which has been to incite Islamic jehad to undermine it. The British Foreign Secretary rounded of his imperious visit to India by joining Rahul Gandhi on the campaign trail in Amethi, underlining the extent of India's subordination to the Anglo-American imperialists. And Miliband, the lowly whippersnapper, gallingly added insult to injury by asserting that the Mumbai carnage was due to Indian policies in Kashmir. But this is all of a piece, which echoes the cynical and unflagging attempts of Britain's elites since the late nineteenth century to damage Hindus as much as possible. Author Narinder Singh Sarila has documented the extent to which Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the butcher who sponsored the bloodletting in Calcutta on Direct Action Day in August 1946, was a mere pawn in British imperial designs to create a strategic hold over the Indian subcontinent. It is therefore cause for dismay that the NDA candidate for Prime Minister and his advisers have now embraced both the murderous Jinnah and the jehadi Deobandis. Where will it all end?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Indian Islamic Community should correct themselves.

The trouble with India is that it is indestructible. One may hash it, bash it, mash it and ground it to the dust but next morning it is up again, wearing a cheerful smile and a forgiving countenance. What can one possibly do to destroy this nation which is a civilisation, more than a nation? Starting with the year AD 1000 Ghazni Mohammad’s invasion, it has faced wave after wave of barbarian attacks from Central Asia, Afghanistan and Europe with equanimity. It was the same story in 2008. But what does India do? It sends a satellite to the moon, equaling the engineering talents of four of the 192-member countries of the United Nations who have achieved that feat. If anybody deserves a Bharat Ratna, it is G. Madhavan Nair, chairman of ISRO. Barbarians, terrorists, jehadists and their like may come and go, but India that is Bharat merrily goes on for ever, busying itself with science, arts and other cultural activities.

Madhavan Nair and his colleagues represent that side of India. But there is something sick about India’s neighbouring country, Pakistan which has given birth to terrorists—‘gunmen’ as the BBC so delicately describes them—whose mindset is inexplicable. And with many Indian Muslims as well. And one wants to know what it is that turns even educated young men to resort to mindless killing. Can someone tell?

Three Muslim terrorists accused of setting up serial blasts in different parts of India, all three in their early 20s had this to say of why they had taken to terrorism. Zia-ur-Rehman, 24 has been quoted as saying: “This is jehad for Allah. It is against Maharashtra, for ignoring the Srikrishna Report ….I have no regrets”. Mohammad Shakeel, 26, a final year student of Economics at Jamia Milia Islamia was angry because in India, according to him, Muslims are not welcome! “There are two options, live a life full of contempt, get abused and insulted, or protest in the name of Allah…I experienced an awakening after I committed my life to Allah. Now, nothing scares me” is his explanation.

Another Jamia Milia student, Saquib Nisar felt that it is “difficult to be a Muslim in India”, so he took to jehad “for Allah”. And what did they get by setting up serial blasts in four cities and killing a few innocent people? Did they become more welcome to their fellow citizens? And how many more people would they like to kill to get accepted as friends? Apparently these questions have never occurred to them or to leaders like Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, chief of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, Operations Commander of L-e-T in Pakistan who had directed the Mumbai killings, Safdar Nagori, chief of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), Syed Salahuddin, chief of Hizbul Mujahideen, Mufti Abu Bashar, of the Indian Mujahideen or Maulana Masood Azar, chief of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed. Killing is all.

If young Muslims feel isolated, shouldn’t they ask why it is so? If Muslims insist on isolating themselves, wearing a skull cap to assert their Islamic individuality, forcing their women to wear burqa, refusing to let their daughters get higher education and otherwise refusing to join the mainstream, why blame the majority community? One available explanation is that the Muslim in India have still not reconciled themselves to the reality that they are no longer the rulers to dictate to the majority and in fact, numerically they are in a minority demographically and politically. Hence the internalising of their angst.

During centuries of Muslim rule, Hindus, too, looked inward, but they did not take to terrorism; instead, they took to business and commerce and even more significantly, they found a measure of peace in the Bhakti Cult. It gave them inner comfort, though, for a brief period, there was an upsurge of revolt in Bengal that Bankim Chandra Chatterjee has immortalised in his classic novel Anand Mutt, which talks of sanyasi rebellion. One is reminded of that when one reads about Sadhvi Pragya.

Then there is the matter of language. Urdu is not the language only or specifically, of Muslims. To make that as a unifying factor for all Muslims is to separate them from their fellow countrymen. Muslims in Kerala by necessity have to accept Malayalam as their mother tongue as Muslims in Bengal should treat Bengali. Christians have no such linguistic problem. There is no ‘Christian’ language as such. In her excellent book The Trouble with Islam Today, Irshad Manji raises this point effectively. She asks: “Do Christians make each other feel inadequate for not knowing Greek, the original language of the New Testament? There was a time when Christianity could only be observed in Latin which protected the power of the Vatican’s clerics. Muslims have no Vatican”. But the trouble is: they have mullahs. Christians in Germany speak in German, those in France in French etc. Similarly, Muslims in Turkey speak in Turkish and those in Indonesia is Bhasha Indonesia. That hasn’t made them less Christians or Muslims.

But Muslims in India, in an effort to remember the past, want to stick to the Mughal language, Urdu, thus killing any possibility of Hindu-Muslim togetherness, throughout the country. Why blame Hindus for being a people apart? It is not Hindus who have isolated Muslims. This is a self-inflicted wound by Muslims themselves. India may be a Hindu-majority country, but in no state has any government imposed jaziya on Muslims. No state has made any effort to forcibly convert Muslims to Hinduism. No state has passed orders that Muslims cannot drive cars as a similar order was passed during Muslim rule when Hindus were not permitted to move in palanquins. If anything, Muslims are the most pampered minority in India and the Centre even has a Ministry for Minorities presided over by that joker, Abdur Rehman Antulay.

Indian government both at the Centre and state level bend backward to be helpful to Muslims in the matter of Haj pilgrimage, but apparently our jehadis think they are entitled to such privileges, in defiance of all rules of secularism. The tragedy is that Muslim youth today insists on staying away from all contacts with other communities and in their self-inflicted alienation, dream up all sorts of fancied hurts. There is not much that the majority community can do except to grin and hear the mindless terrorism inflicted on them which only widens the divide between them and Muslims.

But where is the leadership among Muslims to help resolves negative thinking among their young and work hand-in-hand with the rest as fellow-Indians working towards peace and prosperity to be shared by all? The feeling of alienation is all in the mind. Muslims can get over it on their own, but only if they wish to. If they do, one can assure them, they will find that there is no paradise on earth greater than Bharat that is India.

Vande Matharam