Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Comparison between two Kurukshethras

Kurushethra of Sage Veda Vyasa

Kurukshethra of 2009 .AD

1.Yudhishtira, the embodiment of Dharma was accused of gambling and putting the life of his brothers and the modesty of his wife itself at stake. No one found fault with Sakuni, the conspirator.('Gandhar' Naresh.)

1. The Kauravas of modern times, i.e. the congress clan accuse Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the embodiment of rightousness of our times, of having compromised with the terrorist hijackers of 'Gandhar' (Kandahar) for saving the lives of more than 134 innocent air passengers. They don't blame the terrorists and are protecting one of them (Afsal Guru) from being hanged by the law of the country. Look at the resemblance of Osama Bin Laden with Sakuni!! (As portrayed in B.R.Chopra's 'Maha Bharat".)

2. The Kauravas called Arjuna a coward for having obeyed his elder brother in all aspects.

2. The congress accuses Lal Krishna Advani for sending Jeswant Sing to negotiate with the hijackers for the release of the innocent passengers.

3. The Karuavas found fault with Bhima the strong among the Pandavas for not succumbing to their tactics.

3. The congress accuses Narendra Modi, the strongest of all the leaders, of communalism. They don't find anything wrong with the burning the Kar Sevaks alive inside the railway compartments or the 50 years of harassment the innocent peasant population of Gujarat suffered at the hands of Karim Lala, Sukur Bhakia, Haji Masthan, Yusuf Patel and Dawood Ibrahim, the underworld Dons, who flourished in the Congress Raaj.

4. All elders, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Vidura kept quiet and did not raise their voice against all the injustice.

4. Leaders like Kamaraj, Nijalingappa, Y.B.Chavan, and Jagjivan Ram kept silent over the misrule of the dynastic family.

5. A foreign women named Gandhari married into the family and feigned total innocence and allegiance to her husband by blindfolding herself. She played her role perfectly behind the scene and ultimately her entire family was wiped out in the Kurukshetra battle.

5. The modern "Gandhari" married into the dynastic family and the family itself was shred to pieces. Her husband was put on the throne by a foolish sardar(Sail Sing). Though not blind, he could not see anything beyond the tip of his nose. He took all the blind and wrong decisions and paid the price with his life. The modern Gandhari manipulated everything and even managed to eliminate her brother in law, mother in law, the entire family of her co-sister and is now targeting the son of her brother in law..The story goes on to the next generation of Duryodhana (Rahul) and Bhima (Varun)

6. Krishna the all pervading Lord helped the Pandavas to overcome the onslaught of the wicked kauravas and win the battle at Kurukshetra..

6. Where is the Lord in the modern times? Don't you see him within you and all around you? You have to save this country from the clutches of the "Abhinava Kauravas" & "Abhinava Gandhari".


By Babu Menon

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